Edmonton Tamil Disciples church

Worship at Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church

Building a sacred community

At Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church, we have been connecting people to the heart of God since 2023. Our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and prayer services. Become a part of our growing congregation in Edmonton.

Schedule of Services

Join Our Community

We are the Church of the one true God. God likes to dwell in the hearts of the disciples. If two or three disciples gather in a house that is called a Church (Mat 18:20).

Weekly gathering with communion

At Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church we gather every week to research and study the bible like the people of the Berea City(Acts 17:11). At our gathering we give first preference to the Word of the God. The biblical verses that God breathed purifies our heart and mind so that we can resist the negative thoughts that arises in our heart. This is the spiritual warfare that we need to confront in this world.

Individual Personal Prayer with Biblical solutions

At Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church we have to join together and Pray to God to fulfill his purpose for us. We also support each other through our prayer (Heb 10:24,25). 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

Theological Counselling

At Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church we sit together and discuss doctrinal challenges and find solutions for implementing biblical way of living a disciples life. Only disciples know how to follow God not the common Christians. Because bible secrets are sealed only for disciples. (Isaiah 8:16. Bind up this testimony of warning and seal up God’s instruction among my disciples. )


A  Thriving Spiritual Congregation in Edmonton

Edmonton Tamil Disciples Church is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to one God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith. 

We have a long, proud history of serving the people of India and Edmonton. Through the dedication of our leadership, staff members and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His true Gospel. Contact us today to find out more about becoming part of the Canada Oneness Congregation.

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